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Settling Your Sweet Cravings, the Healthy Way!

I always find it amazing that it doesn't matter how full you are after a meal, there is always room to fit in dessert.  It's that little pocket in your stomach known as the 'sweet compartment', and it seems to be completely separate from the rest of your stomach.  But, when you're trying to eat healthily and be more mindful about what you are eating, it can be hard settling this craving in a healthy way.  Let's be honest, most foods that taste amazing and settle those cravings are full of refined and highly processed sugars that completely unravel all that hard work..... however, that does not have to be the case! I'm going to show you how simple it can be to settle those sweet cravings with delicious alternatives leaving you feeling satisfied and completely guilt-free.

1. Eat naturally sweet foods - when you find that sugar craving hits, instead of scrounging around for chocolate biscuits which are full of ingredients that are not supporting your health, try to find nutritious options that contain natural sugar such as fruit.  Heading into the warmer months, berries, cherries, mangoes, pineapple and watermelon, just to name a few, are fantastic options.

Being creative with how you use your fruit is always a great way to create healthy sweet options, and here are some example for you to draw inspiration from:

  • Adding fruit to plain Greek yoghurt with some shredded coconut and a sprinkle of cinnamon;
  • Using frozen fruits to create a smoothie which can either be had as a drink or can be frozen into icy pole molds; or
  • Try my children's favourite: Choc-Peanut Nice-cream:


1 frozen banana, chopped
1 tablespoon cacao nibs
1-2 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter
Splash coconut water

Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend for 30 secs at a time on a medium speed until you get your desired, creamy consistency.  Use a spatula in between blending to ensure everything mixes well.  You may need to add some extra coconut water during the blending if you find the mixture is too dry.

2. Have healthy dessert options on hand - there are going to be those times when fruit just isn't going to cut it, and trust me when I say this, eating healthy doesn't mean depriving yourself.  It's all about finding the right balance and having treats on hand that have been made with natural sweeteners such as raw honey and maple syrup. These will not only settle that sweet craving, but it will also provide you with nutrients... bonus!!!
For some healthy swaps, consider making an avocado chocolate mousse, chocolate truffle balls or give this seeded brittle a go:


 ¾ cup pumpkin seeds
 ¾ cup sunflower seeds
 ½ cup flaked coconut
 2 tablespoons chia seeds
 ¼ cup mulberries
 2 tablespoons coconut oil
 1/3 cup maple syrup
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees and line a tray with baking paper.
Combine all the seeds, flaked coconut and mulberries in a bowl.
On a medium heat, melt the coconut oil and maple syrup so that it is mixed well.  Once melted whisk in your vanilla extract.
Pour the melted liquid over the dry ingredients and mix quickly so that it is well combined.  Spread the mixture onto the prepared tray and using a spatula flatten so that it is about 1cm thick.
Place the brittle in the oven for 20 minutes until it becomes a golden colour.  Remove the brittle from the oven and allow to cool slightly.  Place the brittle in the freezer for 30 minutes and then break it up.
Stores well in a glass container in the freezer.

3.  Don't deny yourself of chocolate, just swap your sugar-laden milk chocolate for an anti-oxidant rich dark chocolate.  You do need to be careful though as there are many 'healthier' chocolate options out there that have a lot of added sugar disguised as a different name.  If you are game, you could always make your own...


  ½ cup coconut flakes (alternatively use crushed mixed nuts)
  ½ cup coconut oil
  ½ cup raw cacao powder
  2 tablespoons Maple Syrup
Prepare a tray with baking paper.
Lightly toast the coconut by dry frying them on a medium heat in a pan on the stove.  It will take 3-4 minutes.  Set aside
Melt the coconut oil in a pot on low heat.  Once it is melted, remove the pot from the heat and whisk in the rice malt syrup and cacao.
Add the toasted coconut flakes and spread the mixture on the lined tray.
Place in the freezer for 30-60 minutes.

So, there you have it. Settling those sweet cravings with delicious, nutritious alternatives may not be that difficult after all.

I hope you have found some inspiration from this blog and can now enjoy your dessert completely guilt-free.

In good health,
Keren xX

Spring Clean Your Health

The flowers are starting to bloom, the mornings aren’t so dark, and the evenings are longer and lighter…. Warmer weather has finally arrived and it’s time to get that SPRING back into your step.

We all know the saying “it’s time to do a spring clean” and this is usually associated with cleaning and de-cluttering our houses, but why don’t you think outside the box and include your heath and wellness in your spring clean??

Surely there are habits that we have developed over the colder, darker months that need to be kicked to the curb. Its time to stop feeling sluggish and lethargic and get those energy levels back.

Here are 3 simple tips on how you can start spring-cleaning your body.

1. Eat seasonal produce – fruits and vegetables taste there best when they are eaten during the times that they should be harvested. Our bodies crave different foods at different times of the year depending on their water content and their ability to heat or cool our bodies.
Vegetables in season – avocado, artichokes, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, spinach, radishes, purples sprouting broccoli, rocket, salad leaves, peas, leeks, spring onions, spring cabbage,
Fruit in season – banana, grapefruit, blood oranges, honeydew, rhubarb, mandarin, mango and apricots.

2. Get moving – during the winter months many of us turn to hibernation and lose the enthusiasm and motivation to exercise. There is no doubt that exercise helps us with cardiovascular fitness and losing weight, but it has so many additional benefits too. With the weather starting to warm up, there is no better time than now to get back into that rhythm and even take your exercise outdoors. Meet a friend for a walk, join an outdoor boot camp or even enjoy a game of tennis with your kids. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you are moving.

3. Clear out your mind – the strain we put on our bodies by being stressed is significantly understated. It affects the way we eat and sleep, our ability to concentrate and our mood. Adopting stress management strategies into your daily routine is a fantastic way to start removing all that ‘junk’ that is clogging up our minds. Now this doesn’t mean that you have to start meditating for 1 hour a day, it can be by introducing simple techniques such as doing 5 minutes of deep breathing on the way to or from work, carrying a little journal with you so that you can write down what you are feeling during a moment of stress or even something as simple as remembering to smile and planting seeds of positivity.

The Power of One

Generally speaking once we have made a decision to do something, whether to start exercising or change the way we eat, we adopt the “all or nothing” mentality. We go from sitting on the couch eating take out almost every night to exercising 4-5 times per week and restricting what we eat to only 1200 calories a day. Wow, what an extreme change! No wonder it is not sustainable for long periods of time. This is where the Power of One will become your saviour.

I went to a conference not long ago and was listening to the head of Small Business from St George Bank speaking. He introduced me to the concept of the Power of One through his speech, and although he was talking about it in financial and business terms, I immediately thought, “This is going to be a brilliant concept to use in my coaching”.

The best thing someone can do for themselves is make the decision that they need to focus on their health and well-being and make the necessary changes. However, this can be extremely overwhelming for many, especially when there are potentially so many things that need to change. The four most common questions from someone just starting out usually are:

"Where do I begin?"
"What do I need to change?"
"What is most important?"
"How am I going to do it all?"

My recommendation is to pick ONE, that’s right, only one behaviour that you want to change and focus on that. It may be something as small as only having one teaspoon of sugar in your coffee instead of two, it may be having breakfast a couple of days a week instead of skipping breakfast, it may even be just saying no to an after dinner snack. Start with the one thing you are most motivated to change and do this consistently. You will feel very satisfied by changing this behaviour and it will give you confidence to build on the one change into other changes you can make and become the person you can become.

Even though you may think that these changes are small and insignificant, they are actually big steps, because they are those few times that you are changing the behaviour you have recognised needs change. This creates a domino effect, giving you the power to spark a chain reaction of changed habits that builds new behaviours upon changed behaviours that will naturally lead to the next successful changed behaviour. This is something that you need to recognise as a step in the right direction, a step in the direction of reaching you goal.

So the next time you are overwhelmed with all the changes you want to make in your life, take a moment to reflect, break it down and focus on ONE thing that you can change. This is the way that you will make permanent, life-long changes. This is the “Power of ONE!”

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Let’s not underestimate the effect a lack of sleep has on us. Apart from feeling exhausted, lacking energy, being moody, having low tolerance and having difficulty concentrating, you probably notice that on the days that you are feeling like this, your cravings for sugar and carbs are almost uncontrollable. You will eat just about anything to give you that spike in sugar and energy you are so depleted of.

The research is clear: Lack of sleep, or poor sleep, stops your metabolism working efficiently. When this happens your cravings increase, which makes you eat more, increasing your weight and risk of developing chronic diseases. Getting enough sleep, and sleeping well, are essential for our health!

The optimal amount of sleep for an adult is between 7-9 hours each night. Now I know the first thing that will come to mind for a majority of you is the thought: I am a mum (or dad) with young children so how am I supposed to do that??? Let’s not forget that I am a mum of 2 young boys (10 and 8) too and I am very lucky that they do not disturb me during the night. However, there is plenty that needs to be done for them at the start and end of the day, which means that I definitely don’t have the luxury of staying in bed until mid-morning. But the one thing I make sure that I do religiously, in order for me to be able to function and do everything that needs to be done, is that I endeavour to climb into bed each night between 9:30 and 9:45 with the aim to have the lights off at 10:00/10:15.

There are many ways that we can assist our bodies in achieving our optimal sleep so I thought I would share some of those tips with you. Please keep in mind that you will have to be patient, because an improvement in your sleep pattern will not happen overnight, it may take a few weeks or months, but these strategies will eventually shift your sleep patterns.

1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time to create regular rhythms of sleep.

2. Create total darkness and quiet in the bedroom.

3. Avoid caffeine – although you feel as though you need this to keep you awake during the day, this may end up making your sleep worse at night.

4. Avoid alcohol – it helps you get to sleep but causes interruptions in your sleep and therefore leads to poor-quality sleep.

5. Do not eat within 2-3 hours of going to bed – going to bed on a full stomach can lead to poor-quality sleep.

6. Don’t exercise vigorously after dinner – this tends to excite the body and makes it more difficult for you to get to sleep.

7. Turn off IT technology 1 hour before bed – being stimulated right up until we go to sleep makes it difficult for our brains to switch off and therefore get a restful nights sleep.

8. Take a hot salt / aromatherapy bath – raising your body temperature before bed helps to induce sleep.

9. Stretch before bed as this helps to relax our bodies and makes it easier for us to fall asleep.

10. Practice relaxation breathing or meditation before sleep - this helps to relax the brain, allowing you to fall asleep more easily and have a restful sleep.

11. Before going to bed write down the things that are causing you anxiety and make plans for what you need to do the next day to reduce your worry. This will free up your mind, allowing you to have a deeper and more restful sleep.

12. Get 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight during the day – the light from the sun triggers your brain to release specific chemicals and hormones such as melatonin that are vital to healthy sleep, mood and ageing.

Remember, the key is to get both enough sleep as well as good quality sleep every night. Everything else will fall into place as a result. Your mood will improve, your energy will improve, your ability to concentrate will improve, but your sugar and carb cravings will reduce! You will feel more level throughout the day and you will find it much easier to cope with your work and family.

Food Focus Program

Food Focus Program


  • improve your eating habits?
  • understand your body better?
  • make your self-care a priority?
  • feel confident in choosing and preparing better food for you and your loved ones?
  • experience an increase in overall happiness in your life?

I understand that change can be overwhelming, with both getting started and where to start being the main stumbling blocks. That's where my Food Focus Program is perfect for you. Over four weekly consultations, I'll give you a gentle introduction to some basic nutrition and lifestyle changes that you will be able to easily implement into your daily routine on a permanent basis.

During a live cooking demonstration, I had a five minute conversation with someone which resonated strongly with her, resulting in her sending me a lovely testimonial that evening. If I can be the catalyst for change after just five minutes with her, imagine what I can do with you!

Hi Keren,
It was so lovely to meet you today! Your question stuck in my mind all afternoon - "What's stopping you?"
I guess I really just don't know. I don't know what's stopping me from pursuing my love of food and health. I'm possibly scared, nervous, unsure and don't fully believe in my potential.
When you said "Why don't you just start?", I thought "Yeah, why don't I just start?"
I spend an hour and a half tonight getting home in the traffic and rain from a job that doesn't fill me with joy and to be honest, a job I don't even like.
I just wanted you to know you had a huge impact on me today. You hit a cord (sic) in me that I've been too afraid to face. For a stranger to call me out on it and, in a way, say to me 'grow up, grow a pair and face your truth' has actually had a significant affect (sic) (and in just a few hours!).
All the very best with everything Keren. I really with you all the success in the world.
Alice xx


  • 5 x 30 minute consultations, consisting of:
  • Health assessment
  • Goal Setting and understanding motivating factors
  • 3 x food diary analysis and recommendations
  • 10 recipes
  • Detox eBook


Now is the time to start your health and wellness journey. Simply click the button below to purchase your Food Focus Program, and I'll be waiting on the other side to make your first consultation! What are you waiting for?


All In! Program

All In! Program


  • improve your eating habits?
  • understand your body better?
  • make your self-care a priority?
  • feel confident in choosing and preparing better food for you and your loved ones?
  • experience an increase in overall happiness in your life?

If you're committed and ready to make long-lasting positive changes to your life, then my All In! Program is perfect for you. With twelve weekly consultations, I'll give you an in-depth look at nutrition and lifestyle changes that you will be able to easily implement into your daily routine on a permanent basis.

During a live cooking demonstration, I had a five minute conversation with someone which resonated strongly with her, resulting in her sending me a lovely testimonial that evening. If I can be the catalyst for change after just five minutes with her, imagine what I can do with you!

Hi Keren,
It was so lovely to meet you today! Your question stuck in my mind all afternoon - "What's stopping you?"
I guess I really just don't know. I don't know what's stopping me from pursuing my love of food and health. I'm possibly scared, nervous, unsure and don't fully believe in my potential.
When you said "Why don't you just start?", I thought "Yeah, why don't I just start?"
I spend an hour and a half tonight getting home in the traffic and rain from a job that doesn't fill me with joy and to be honest, a job I don't even like.
I just wanted you to know you had a huge impact on me today. You hit a cord (sic) in me that I've been too afraid to face. For a stranger to call me out on it and, in a way, say to me 'grow up, grow a pair and face your truth' has actually had a significant affect (sic) (and in just a few hours!).
All the very best with everything Keren. I really with you all the success in the world.
Alice xx


  • 10 x 30 minute consultations, consisting of:
  • Health Assessment
  • Goal setting and understanding motivating factors
  • 5 x food diary analysis and recommendations
  • Stress management implementation strategies
  • Tips on sleeping soundly
  • Understanding the benefits of detoxing
  • 45 minute consultation: Kitchen detox and understanding staple foods
  • 45 minute consultation: Private cooking class
  • 45 minute consultation: Forming new habits and understanding exercise
  • 2 additional 15 minute consultations during the program at any time
  • 10+ recipes
  • Detox eBook
  • Fat Burning eBook
  • 4 week meal plan
  • Ability to email/message me during the program with any additional questions/support as needed


Now is the time to start your health and wellness journey. Simply click the button below to purchase your All Grown Up Program, and I'll be waiting on the other side to make your first consultation! What are you waiting for?


Food & Health Focus Program

Food & Health Focus Program


  • improve your eating habits?
  • understand your body better?
  • make your self-care a priority?
  • feel confident in choosing and preparing better food for you and your loved ones?
  • experience an increase in overall happiness in your life?

Making the decision to prioritise your health and wellness can leave you unsure of how to go about it. My Food & Health Focus Program will give you a great start to making nutritional and lifestyle changes. With eight weekly consultations, I'll give you a manageable introduction to changes that you will be able to easily implement into your daily routine on a permanent basis.

During a live cooking demonstration, I had a five minute conversation with someone which resonated strongly with her, resulting in her sending me a lovely testimonial that evening. If I can be the catalyst for change after just five minutes with her, imagine what I can do with you!

Hi Keren,
It was so lovely to meet you today! Your question stuck in my mind all afternoon - "What's stopping you?"
I guess I really just don't know. I don't know what's stopping me from pursuing my love of food and health. I'm possibly scared, nervous, unsure and don't fully believe in my potential.
When you said "Why don't you just start?", I thought "Yeah, why don't I just start?"
I spend an hour and a half tonight getting home in the traffic and rain from a job that doesn't fill me with joy and to be honest, a job I don't even like.
I just wanted you to know you had a huge impact on me today. You hit a cord (sic) in me that I've been too afraid to face. For a stranger to call me out on it and, in a way, say to me 'grow up, grow a pair and face your truth' has actually had a significant affect (sic) (and in just a few hours!).
All the very best with everything Keren. I really with you all the success in the world.
Alice xx


  • 8 x 30 minute consultations, consisting of:
  • Health Assessment
  • Goal setting and understanding motivating factors
  • 3 x food diary analysis and recommendations
  • Exercise plan and understanding food labels
  • Forming new habits
  • 45 min kitchen detox and understanding staple foods
  • 10+ recipes
  • Detox eBook
  • 1 week meal plan
  • Ability to email/message me during the program with any additional questions/support as needed


Now is the time to start your health and wellness journey. Simply click the button below to purchase your Food & Health Focus Program, and I'll be waiting on the other side to make your first consultation! What are you waiting for?


Four Week Meal-Plan

Healthy Living
Four Week Meal-Plan

I'm so excited to take you on a journey of feeding your body with nutritiously nourishing food. This meal plan will provide you with all the information you need to create simple yet delicious meals. I also include a shopping list so that you know exactly what you need to buy, no need to stress anymore about what to make for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

To get on the waiting list for my Healthy Living Four Week Meal-Plan, fill out your details below, follow the steps, and I'll make sure you get access before anyone else! 


Dealing With Fussy Eaters

I am sure majority of you have had an encounter with the ‘Fussy Eater’, which has left you feeling frustrated, upset and stressed. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have taken the time out of your day to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal which you know will give your kids all the nutrients and energy they need, yet you are left feeling heart broken and frustrated when they reject this meal even to the point of not even trying it! You start to think, “what is the point” and “why do I bother”. Each mealtime becomes stressful and less enjoyable for you and your children.

Children learn by testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. They can be very strong willed when it comes to making decisions about food (to eat or not to eat, and what to eat). It’s all part of their social, intellectual and emotional development.

With our time being so precious and valuable, if your children aren’t going to even take the time to try the food that you are preparing, you start to offer them less nutritious options such as sugar laden cereal for breakfast, packaged foods for lunch and then fast food take away options for dinner because you know that it will get eaten. However without realising it, the food that we give our children can have a significant impact on their mood, energy and even ability to concentrate. Our children’s lives are so busy with their full days of school, extra-curricular activities after school and then social events and sporting games on the weekend, we need to fuel them correctly to be able to handle it all.

1. Model behaviour – Encourage healthy eating in your children by eating this way yourself. Children tend to mimic what we do, so if they see their parents eating vegetables such as broccoli and pumpkin with their meal, they will be more inclined to give that food a go. Where possible, share your meal.

2. Be sneaky – If your children do not eat a range of vegetables, pureeing soups or adding grated veggies to dishes such as Bolognese sauce, meatballs, burgers or casseroles are a great way to incorporate more vegetables into their meals. Smoothies are also a good way to incorporate different fruits and vegetables. Make a smoothie that turns out to be the colour that your child loves.

3. Encourage taste testing – Have 2 plates of food. Plate 1 has the food you know that your children are going to enjoy eating and Plate 2 has three different foods cut up into very small pieces that you would like them to try. The child takes alternating mouthfuls from each plate. If there is a food on Plate 2 that is too horrible for your child to contemplate, then there is always another option for them on that plate.

4. Take a relaxed approach – Setting expectations too high at mealtimes usually creates a more stressful experience for all. Make meal times a happy social occasion. Try not to worry about the spilt drink on the floor, or the food falling off the plate. Instead praise your child for trying new foods.

5. Make the food look attractive, make the plate colourful and cut the food into different shapes and sizes.

6. Avoid unhealthy foods – it’s very tempting to offer your child food treats just so she ‘eats something’. But if you offer fatty, sugary or salty snacks as substitutes, your child might start refusing healthier foods – after all, they’ll know there are tastier options!

7. Give your child some independence with their food – Get your child involved in preparing meals. They will feel proud and more inclined to try something that they have made. You can also try letting your child making choices within a range of healthier food options.

8. Ignore unwanted behaviour - If a child refuses to eat (or constantly spits out their food, or carries on with any bad behaviour) and receives attention for it, the end result is that they will continue to use the unwanted behaviour to get more attention. So, in these instances sometimes the best thing you can do is to ignore it.

9. Set regular meal times – On average a child needs to eat every 2.5-3 hours, so if they graze throughout the day and eat within 2-2.5 hours of a meal, it will take the edge off their hunger and they may be less likely to eat at mealtime. If they don’t eat at a particular meal time, take the plate away and make them wait until the next meal or snack time rather then allowing them to continue coming back and grazing off the plate.

10. Don’t give up – Fussy eaters can wear you down, but on average it takes 10 times for a child to try a particular food and get positive reinforcement.

So if you are dealing with a fussy eater, I hope you will find it comforting to know that you are not the only one that is experiencing these battles and keep in mind that it’s just a stage and IT WILL PASS!​

Some Truths about Dairy

As a female, I have always been told that it is extremely important for me to eat 2-3 serves of dairy a day in order to prevent getting Osteoporosis in the future. Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of either hormonal changes or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D.

However, when I had a bone density scan done a few years ago and it showed signs of thinning in the bones of my lower back, I was completely taken aback since dairy had always been an integral part of my diet, along with resistance-based exercises (another good preventative measure to take).

I immediately started asking myself why this was happening if I was doing all the ‘right’ things to prevent Osteoporosis, so I started to do research into the effects of dairy and I was shocked by some of the findings. I want to share these findings with you.

Dairy is comprised of 87% Casein. There are many studies that have strongly and consistently linked Casein with the development of cancer. Casein requires the enzyme lactase to break it down properly, and with more people becoming lactose intolerant, this results in the Casein coagulating in the stomach making it difficult for your body to digest. It ends up fermenting and can potentially lead to toxicity. Casein is actually such a strong binder that it has been used as an ingredient in some wood glues!!

Further to this, dairy is one of the most mucus-forming foods there is. Excessive mucus can begin to harden and build up along the walls of your intestines, adding to a build up of sludge, which slows down the food passing through the intestinal tract and therefore potentially leading to increased inflammation and toxicity in your blood.

There is some Casein present in human milk (20%-45%), which we are obviously encouraged to breastfeed our children at birth, but the level of Casein found in cow’s milk is 300% higher, to help the calves develop much larger bones. This is why there is the theory that we shouldn’t drink the milk of other species.

Looking at the relationship of dairy and calcium, cow’s milk does in fact have a lot of calcium in it, but much of the calcium in cow’s milk is not easily absorbed by the body. There is a lot of phosphorus in dairy products, which binds to the calcium in your digestive tract and makes most of the calcium impossible to absorb. The body actually absorbs the calcium found in dark, leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, nuts and seeds far more easily.

There is also a strong relationship between dairy and increased acidity in the body. Consuming large amounts of dairy increases the acidic load in the body, and in order for the body to overcome this and attempt to neutralise the acidity, calcium is extracted from your bones, as it is an alkalising mineral.

So after doing all this research, I came to the conclusion that it was probably better for my health to completely eliminate dairy from my diet and get my RDI of calcium from the other sources as described above.

Fast-forward a couple of years, and a follow up bone density scan has shown that my previous bone thinning has been rectified. I thank this to the ongoing resistance-based exercises I do, removing dairy from diet and also including Vitamin D supplements in my daily routine.
