Kale and Spinach Juice

Detoxification is a process that goes on inside us all day every day. It is essential to remove any substance in that we ingest that could be harmful to our body. One of the best ways to support our natural detoxification is through drinking juices as it allows our digestive system to have a break from working hard to break down our food whilst still absorbing essential nutrients. Kale is recognised as providing comprehensive support to our detoxification system and although it can be bitter in taste, adding pineapple makes this juice a delicious drink to have.

¼ pineapple, peeled
handful spinach
handful kale, washed and de-stemmed
200ml filtered water or coconut water

Place pineapple, kale and spinach through a juicer and then add water at the end.
Alternatively, place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth.
You may want to strain the juicer prior to drinking to remove excess pulp.

Serves 1


Keren is the founder of Vital Assurance, and hopes to bring to you her passion for healthy eating and living.
