Bright Beet Berry Smoothie

Beetroot's bright, rich red colour suggests that they are high in polyphenols and are extremely important in fighting chronic diseases. They are great for liver cleansing, reducing inflammation and reducing blood pressure. They pair up beautifully with the sweetness from the berries and the yumminess of the chocolate. 


1 beetroot, peeled and chopped
½ cup frozen blueberries
½ cup frozen strawberries
1 cup baby spinach
1 tablespoon raw cacao
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (optional)
1 cup cashew milk (or ¼ cup activated cashews and 1 cup of coconut water)


Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend for 60 sec until smooth and creamy. Pour into glass and enjoy.

Serves 1


Keren is the founder of Vital Assurance, and hopes to bring to you her passion for healthy eating and living.
