Roasted Mung Bean Stuffed Mushrooms
I always find my digestion works more efficiently when I give it a break from animal proteins. However, in order to have a complete meal and ensure that you are going to remain satisfied, a good plant protein source will be required. Here steps in the mung beans. They are part of the legume family and are really easy to prepare and throw into anything. I often cook up a batch and use it for all sorts of meals including additions to salads and pastas. Here's another simple way you can utilise your mung beans.

4 field mushrooms, peeled
4 tablespoons cooked mung beans
6 cherry tomatoes, diced
6 olives, chopped
1 tablespoon coconut aminos balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line tray with baking paper and set aside.
Combine the cherry tomatoes, olives, mung beans and vinegar. Mixing well. Place mushrooms on prepared tray and then carefully fill the cup of the mushroom with the mung bean filling.
Place in oven for 25 minutes until mushrooms become a little soft.
Can be enjoyed as a side to any protein or as the main component of your meal on a bed of sauteed greens or with a salad.
Serves 2